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Laurie has written numerous articles, columns and newsletters over the years on physiotherapy, health, wellness and related topics. Her works have appeared in Canadian newspapers as well as various newsletters and professional journals.


McLaughlin L. In: Chaitow L, ed. Recognizing and Treating Breathing Disorders A Multidisciplinary Approach. Second ed: Elsevier; 2014:147-154; 225-232

McLaughlin L., Goldsmith, C., Coleman, K. Breathing Evaluation and retraining as an adjunct to manual therapy. Manual Therapy 16 (2011) 51-52

McLaughlin, L (2011) Breathing in Cook et al. Movement. 353-354.

Gross AR, Haines T, Goldsmith CH, Santaguida L, McLaughlin LM, Peloso P, Burnie S, Hoving J; Cervical Overview Group (COG). Knowledge to action: a challenge for neck pain treatment. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2009 May;39(5):351-63. Review.

MacDermid JC, Gross A, Galea V, MacDermid JC, McLaughlin L, Parkinson W, Woodhouse L.Developing biologically-based clinical assessments for physical therapy management of neck pain. The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 35(4):388-399, 2009

McLaughlin L. Breathing Evaluation and Retraining in Manual Therapy. JBMT 2009; 13:276-282

Pierynowski M, McLaughlin L, Gross A, MacDermid J, Galea V. Innovative biological based assessment tools to differentiate and assess patients with neck pain. JOSPT May 2009 Vol.39(5)

Gross A, Haines T, Goldsmith CH, Santaguida P, McLaughlin L, Peloso P, Burnie S, Hoving J, Knowledge to Action: A Challenge about neck pain treatment. JOSPT May 2009 Vol.39(5)

MacDermid JC, Galea V, Teo A, Gross A, Pierrynowski M, McLaughlin L, HaNSA: Quantitative sensory testing has moderate reliability and validity in patients with mechanical neck disorders Quantitative sensory testing has moderate reliability and validity in patients with mechanical neck disorders. (Funded by CIHR Student ship) [Submitted to Physiotherapy Canada.]

Lee DG, Lee LJ, McLaughlin L Stability, Continence and Breathing: The role of fascia following pregnancy and delivery. JBMT (2008) 12: 333-348.

McLaughlin L. The use of capnography in orthopaedic physiotherapy. Orthopaedic Division Review Mar/Apr 2006.

MacDermid JC, Galea V, Pierrynowski M, Gross A, McLaughlin L. The relationship between quantitative sensory tests or electrophysiology and disability in patients with mechanical neck disorders. Orthopedic Division Review 2006;March/April:21.

Coppieters M.W., Kurz K., Mortensen T.E., Richards N.L., Skaret I.A., McLaughlin L, Hodges P.W. The impact of neurodynamic testing on the perception of experimentally induced muscle pain. Manual Therapy (2005) 10, 52-60

Pierrynowski MR, Gross A, Galea V, Miles M, McLaughlin L, McPhee C. Comparison of the long-range power-law correlations obtained from bilateral stride and head bobbing intervals in asymptomatic volunteers. Gait & Posture, 22(1), 46-50, 2005.

Gross AR, Kay M, Kennedy C, Gasner D, Hurley L, Yardley K, Hendry L., McLaughlin L. Clinical practice guideline on the use of manipulation or mobilization in the treatment of adults with mechanical neck disorders. Manual Therapy (2002) 7(4), 193-205

Scientific & Professional Presentations

McLaughlin L, Dunlop, R.B.,Three Year Experience of a Non-Physician Back Triage Program12th Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Spine Society, Tremblant, Quebec, 2013

McLaughlin, L Manual Therapy for the Fascia workshop. Third International Fascia Conference, Vancouver, BC, 2012

McLaughlin, L. The Relevance of Breathing in Persistent Pain. International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists Symposium, Invited Speaker, Quebec City, Quebec, 2012

McLaughlin, L. Advanced Practice: Evidence of Effectiveness. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Conference, Invited Speaker, Whistler B.C., 2011

McLaughlin, L. Pearson, N., Walton, D. The evidence to support a new perspective on physiotherapy pain management. Annual Conference of the Canadian Pain Society, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 2011

McLaughlin, L. Dunlop R.B., Improved access and resource management in spine care. Orthopaedic Expert Panel Forum, Toronto, Ontario, 2011

McLaughlin, L. Can a Qualified Non-Physician Expert Predict the Usefulness of MRI Scans in Patients with Back Related Complaints. 11th Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Spine Society, Quebec City, Quebec, 2011

McLaughlin, L. Dunlop R.B., Advanced Practice in Spinal Care. Ontario Physiotherapy Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 2010

McLaughlin, L. Dunlop R.B., Goldsmith C.H., Non – Physician Triage in Patients with Back Pain, Sciatica and Spinal Stenosis. Tenth Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Spine Society, Lake Louise, Alberta, 2010

McLaughlin L. Breathing Evaluation and Retraining as an Adjunct to Manual Therapy. International Conference on Movement Dysfunction, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2009

McLaughlin L. Breathing Evaluation and Management. Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors National Symposium, Montreal PQ, 2009

McLaughlin L. Incorporating Breathing in Neuromusculoskeletal Management. Nordic Association of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists, Gothenburg Sweden, 2009

McLaughlin L. Incorporating the Fascial System into a Clinical Reasoning Framework. Orthopaedic Symposium, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Montreal PQ, 2008

McLaughlin L, Goldsmith CH. Is There a Connection Between Non Responsive Neck or Back Pain Patients and Altered Respiratory Chemistry: a Case Series. Orthopaedic Symposium, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Montreal PQ, 2008

McLaughlin L, Goldsmith CH. Is There a Connection Between Non Responsive Neck or Back Pain Patients and Altered Respiratory Chemistry: a Case Series. International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists Symposium, Winner Best Interactive Poster Presentation, Rotterdam Holland, 2008

McLaughlin L. The Role of Focused Manipulation in Back Pain. North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy Symposium on Spinal Manipulation, Portland OR, 2008

McLaughlin L. Goldsmith CH. Altered Respiration in a Case Series of Low Back / Pelvic Pain Patients. 6th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain. Barcelona Spain 2007.

McLaughlin L. Fascia, Altered Breathing and Pregnancy. First International Fascia Conference Harvard University, Boston, MA, 2007.

McLaughlin L. The role of altered breathing in neck pain. HaNSA Cervical Workshop, WCPT, Vancouver BC 2007.

McLaughlin L. Breathing evaluation and management in orthopaedic physiotherapy. Keynote Address, National Orthopaedic Symposium, Calgary AB, 2006.

Hodges P.W., McLaughlin L., Souvlis T., Coppieters M.W. Does experimental pain demonstrate similar characteristics to contraction, stretch and compression as clinical pain? Poster presentation, 2005, London, ON.

Pierrynowski M, Gross A, Galea V, MacDermid J, McLaughlin L, Graham N, Kumbhare D and Parkinson W. Sensitivity of the Neck-Walk Index to detect change in patients with mechanical neck disorders. The Changing Face of Physiotherapy, 2005 Orthopaedic Symposium, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, London, ON, October 2005.

MacDermid J, Galea V, Pierrynowski M, Gross A and McLaughlin L. The relationship between quantitative sensory tests or electrophysiology and disability in patients with mechanical neck disorders. The Changing Face of Physiotherapy, 2005 Orthopaedic Symposium, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, London, ON, October 2005.

Pierrynowski M, Galea V, MacDermid J, Gross A, Kumbhare D, Parkinson W, Teo A, Missiuna P, McLaughlin L, McPhee C, Graham N, Lee A and Marley T. The head and neck, shoulder, arm research group conceptual framework. The Changing Face of Physiotherapy, 2005 Orthopaedic Symposium, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, London, ON, October 2005.

Teo A, Galea V, MacDermid J, Gross A, McLaughlin L and Pierrynowski M. Performance of patients with mechanical neck disorder on a reach and grasp task: neural strategies. The Changing Face of Physiotherapy, 2005 Orthopaedic Symposium, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, London, ON, October 2005.

McLaughlin L, Popelas C. Altered respiration in an individual with pelvic instability. Poster Presentation, Scotland, 2005. Podium Presentation, London, ON, 2005.

McLaughlin L, Popelas C, Use of capnography to restore normal breathing in an orthopaedic caseload Poster Presentation, London, ON, October 2005.

Pierrynowski M., Kumbhare D., Galea V., Gross A., MacDermid J., McLaughlin L, HaNSA. The Neck-Walk Index: A new performance outcome measure that identifies patients with neck pain or stiffness. Presented at the 65th Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, October 2004, Phoenix, AZ.

McLaughlin L. The impact of proximal positioning on pain perception: A clinician’s journey to the research lab. Presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association - Orthopaedic Division 16th Annual National Symposium, St. John’s, NF, 12 September 2004.

Guy S., McDowell J., Ruttan P., Stevenson B., Turner L., Vair R., with the Head and Neck, Shoulder & Arm Special Interest Group (HaNSA Members: Galea V., Graham N., Gross A., Kumbhare D., MacDermid J., Manto L., McLaughlin L, McPhee C., Parkinson W., Pierrynowski M.) (2004) The Neck-Walk Index identifies patients with mechanical neck disorders, 8th International Federation of Orthopaedic Manual Therapists Conference, 21-26 March 2004, Cape Town, South Africa.

Buck S., Cheung G., Lundquist L., Tang B., Zavitz K., with the Head and Neck, Shoulder & Arm Special Interest Group (HaNSA Members: Galea V., Graham N., Gross A., Kumbhare D., MacDermid J., Manto L., McLaughlin L, McPhee C., Parkinson W., Pierrynowski M.) (2004) Upper limb function in patients with mechanical neck disorders, 8th International Federation of Orthopaedic Manual Therapists Conference, 21-26 March 2004, Cape Town, South Africa.

Coppieters M. W., Skaret I. A., Richards N.L., Mortensen T.E., Kurz K., McLaughlin L, Hodges P.W., (2004) The Impact of proximal positioning on pain perception. Effect of neurodynamic testing on experimental muscle pain, 8th International Federation of Orthopaedic Manual Therapists Conference, 21-26 March 2004, Cape Town, South Africa.

Pierrynowski M., Galea V., Graham N., Gross A., Kumbhare D., MacDermid J., Manto L., McLaughlin L, McPhee C., Parkinson W. (2003). A new performance outcome measure, the Neck-Walk Index, to classify patients with neck pain or stiffness, Achieving Excellence Through Collaboration Conference, Sponsored by the Insurance Bureau of Canada and the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, 18 Sept 2003, Toronto, ON

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